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Make reading ‘The Amazing Zoe even more fun, with FREE
activity sheets just for you!
activity sheets just for you!
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Teachers’ Guides
Colouring Sheets
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Colouring Page 1
‘The Amazing Zoe’ loves to dress up. She is shown with a beautiful African inspired geometrical patterned jumpsuit. Share your completed work of art by using hashtag #theamaingzoe,

Colouring Page 2
This west African inspired pattern was one of my personal favourites, and was released during Black History Month. Remember to share and hashtag your completed work #TheAmazingZoe

Colouring Page 3
Zoe is beaming with pride, and is happy to share a part of her west African heritage with this fine print. African wax prints, also known as Ankara and Dutch wax prints, are common materials for clothing, in West Africa. Some wax prints are names after personalities, cities, buildings, or occasions and can be quite valuable. Share and hashtag your completed work #TheAmazingZoe

Colouring Page 4
From the debut ‘The Amazing Zoe Defeats The Germie Germlins’, Zoe and her mommy are out for a stroll. Hip-hip, hurraaay, the city of ‘Niceville’ has been restored from the evil Germie Germlins attack. Share your completed page with the hashtag #TheAmazingZoe

Colouring Page 5
From the the debut bestselling story ‘The Amazing Zoe’ Defeats The Germie Germlins is the happy town of Niceville-a diverse town where everyone lives in harmony. Add your own creative touch, and tag #TheAmazingZoe

Little Reader
A book log is the perfect visual to encourage your kiddos to delve in to the wonderful world of reading. Each book on your log sheet represents a book you have actually completed. Before you know it, an entire shelf will reflect how many books you have read for the month or year.

Big Reader
So you LOVE to read, good for you! This book log is for you to keep track of all that you plan to read for the year, or for those who are up for the challenge. You can even write the title of each book as a reminder. Download and share with your book club, family or friends. Way to go!
Teachers’ Guides
Colouring Sheets

Colouring Page 1
‘The Amazing Zoe’ loves to dress up. She is shown with a beautiful African inspired geometrical patterned jumpsuit. Share your completed work of art by using hashtag #theamaingzoe,

Colouring Page 2
This west African inspired pattern was one of my personal favourites, and was released during Black History Month. Remember to share and hashtag your completed work #TheAmazingZoe

Colouring Page 3
Zoe is beaming with pride, and is happy to share a part of her west African heritage with this fine print. African wax prints, also known as Ankara and Dutch wax prints, are common materials for clothing, in West Africa. Some wax prints are names after personalities, cities, buildings, or occasions and can be quite valuable. Share and hashtag your completed work #TheAmazingZoe

Colouring Page 4
From the debut ‘The Amazing Zoe Defeats The Germie Germlins’, Zoe and her mommy are out for a stroll. Hip-hip, hurraaay, the city of ‘Niceville’ has been restored from the evil Germie Germlins attack. Share your completed page with the hashtag #TheAmazingZoe

Colouring Page 5
From the the debut bestselling story ‘The Amazing Zoe’ Defeats The Germie Germlins is the happy town of Niceville-a diverse town where everyone lives in harmony. Add your own creative touch, and tag #TheAmazingZoe

Little Reader
A book log is the perfect visual to encourage your kiddos to delve in to the wonderful world of reading. Each book on your log sheet represents a book you have actually completed. Before you know it, an entire shelf will reflect how many books you have read for the month or year.

Big Reader
So you LOVE to read, good for you! This book log is for you to keep track of all that you plan to read for the year, or for those who are up for the challenge. You can even write the title of each book as a reminder. Download and share with your book club, family or friends. Way to go!

Colouring Page 6
Recreate the cover of ‘Grandma’s Memory Box’ by recreating the cover with colourful memories of your own.

Colouring Page 7
From the story ‘Grandma’s Memory Box’, Zoe and grandma share a priceless moment and grandma takes a trip down memory lane.